Activate in Tingsryd

To experience is to create memories for life. Here are unique environments that provide endless opportunities for activities and excursion destinations. Here you will find a large selection of cycling and hiking trails, guided tours and endless opportunities for fishing and fellowship.


Cool off with a dip!

If you want to swim on the holiday you will not be disappointed.

Fiske Pappa och dotter

Fishing in Tingsryd

Here you have fishing for everyone. 

Cykla och vandra

Cycling and hiking

Take a bike or hiking trip on one of the available trails. Bicycles are available for rent from several players, where you will find all kinds of bicycles.

Fören på en kanot som glider över sjö

Boat & canoe

Två hästar går på en grusväg



Guided tours

Grankvist med regndroppar

Rainy days

Below you see all activities in Tingsryd municipality

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<% formatOccasionDate(occasions.start) %> - <% formatOccasionDate(occasions.end) %>
<% categoryById(item).text %>
<% geoById(item).text %>