Sights & places to visit

It is the whole that makes the experience. Here are many unique sights that all carry their history. For those interested in the outdoors, there are several nature reserves and Sweden's youngest national park.


Historical environments

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Art & museums


Nature reserve

Flygfoto Åsnen-huvud

Åsnen - Smålands blue treasure

En gammal rostig bil utan hjul som står i grönska

The car graveyard - Kyrkö mosse

Älmeboda church ruin

Älmeboda church ruin

Church from the early 12th century located in Älmeboda

Hembygdsgården i Älmeboda

Rävemåla Heritage Museum

Heritage museum with several well preserved buildings located in Rävemåla

Bron vid utloppet i stenfors


Rmains of the old ironworks from the late 17th century and a flourmill from the 16th century. Take…

 Blidingsholm Bridge

Blidingsholm Bridge

The stone bridge at Blidingsholm has anthem from the Middle Ages, when there was a damn place over…

Below you will find all the sights and places to visit in Tingsryd municipality

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