To do Attractions

Nature reserve Grönvik

The nature reserve Grönvik is composed of a scenic island- and beach area at lake Stora Hensjön. The reserve manly consists of water but also of aprox. 85 acres of landarea.

© Länsstyrelsen Kronoberg
To do Attractions

Nature reserve Grönvik

The nature reserve Grönvik is composed of a scenic island- and beach area at lake Stora Hensjön. The reserve manly consists of water but also of aprox. 85 acres of landarea.

Northwest section of the reserve is mostly vegetated with spruce forest, while the middle parts are covered with varied farmland, meadows and pastures. In the south, as well as on the island you will find a mixed forest with a variety of tree species composition.


  • Natur & Äventyr
  • nationalpark2

Contact information

  • Website
  • Grönvik - 362 40 - Tingsryd
  • Tingsryd