To do Attractions

Nature reserve Ljuva Mon

Ljuva Mon is a field limited by the the two lakes Rolsmosjön and Linnerydssjön. It consists mostly of ridges, hills, terraces and depressions of varying size and shape. The vegetation of the reserve consists primarily of pine forest with unusually beautiful pine stands.

© Länsstyrelsen Kronoberg
To do Attractions

Nature reserve Ljuva Mon

Ljuva Mon is a field limited by the the two lakes Rolsmosjön and Linnerydssjön. It consists mostly of ridges, hills, terraces and depressions of varying size and shape. The vegetation of the reserve consists primarily of pine forest with unusually beautiful pine stands.

Berry bushes and wavy hair-grass dominates the field layer, which are typical plants at poor woodlands. Along the beaches the crowberry bush is widespread, and in some areas you will find bearberries, that in apperance are similar to lingonberries but really distasteful. The 80 hectare forest area is managed in a way that in a long perspective will maintain its present character. In the reserve you will find many nice walking trails.


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