To do Attractions National parks and nature

Nature reserve Stenfors

At the shoreline of the river Bräkneån just south of Tingsryd lies Stenfors. You are welcome to experience beautiful nature and exciting cultural history.

To do Attractions National parks and nature

Nature reserve Stenfors

At the shoreline of the river Bräkneån just south of Tingsryd lies Stenfors. You are welcome to experience beautiful nature and exciting cultural history.

The Stenfors Nature reserve is a broadleaf forest area located along the river Bräkneån, approximately six kilometers (3.7 miles) south of Tingsryd. The area has plenty of old oaks and beeches, and there are many endangered species, including several rare lichens and mosses. In several places in the reserve, but especially in the northern part, ruins, foundations and other traces of the old ironworks in Stenfors are to be found. The ironworks were built during the 17th century and were driven until the late 19th century. Today they are a popular tourist destination. Through the reserve passes Stenfors cultural trail with signs telling of the former land use.


  • Natur & Äventyr